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Tips To Create Your Coziest Home Yet!

Today I’m sharing “Tips To Create Your Coziest Home Yet To Make Sure Your Home Is A Safe Haven This Winter”.

  1. Add a signature fragrance. This is just one way to make your home feel cozy all winter long. Do you prefer a natural smell like pine or petals? Love the smell of baked goods? Now’s the time to stock up. Personally, I’m a big fan of pine. Having a faux tree we are always looking for ways to incorporate that fragrance into our home. Bath & Body Works has a 3 Wick candle in the scent Fresh Balsam. It’s a gorgeous mix of woodland balsam, fir branches, cedarwood and crisp eucalyptus. I just love it! You can also purchase a wall plug paired with your favourite fragrance. This year I chose the frosted cranberry – it’s my sister’s absolute MUST. And of course, being at home we’re washing our hands more than ever before. Why not use soap that has aloe, shea and essential oils to moisturize, cleanse and that just smell good. Also a good indicator if someone else has ‘really’ washed their hands or not LOL.
  2. Find fun for the entire family. Nothing brings you closer to your loved ones than being stuck in your home for months at a time so why not make it fun. I found this adorable tartan blanket and these seasonal camping mugs at Staples Canada. They’re so great for the upcoming season. Whether you’re curling up with a book or lounging on the porch for a social distanced drink they’ll help make things feel a bit cozier. In my home we have music playing constantly. So great to have a portable speakers for an impromptu dance party in the kitchen or for some background music on the front porch. That also means more streaming. So to avoid any wifi arguments why not purchase an extender. It’s just one way to keep the peace this season and bring your family closer together. No more lagging while watching a family movie on the weekends either.
  3. Work on a home improvement project. Whether it’s clearing out items to make some extra money or thrifting from the comfort of your own home – using Kijiji is fun. For us, we decided that we wanted to use our dining room more. Instead of letting it just collect dust while we’re not entertaining we thought we’d purchase some second hand chairs, refinish them and use them. A project for Ryan and I to work on together – which I love. Plus, I found some amazing chairs that I simply couldn’t pass up. Our next project will be to clear out some of the clutter from our garage so we can organize the space properly. That also means I’ll be listing my kitchen table to make a little more room.

I hope you get to try out some of these tips and tricks for yourself. Here’s hoping for a cozy and comfortable winter in your home.

To watch the full youtube video click here.

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