On this week’s ‘In Your Space’ Segment on Morning Live I teach Annette how to make some adorable (and easy)
Mother’s Day Coasters!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 4 Tiles $0.25 each
- Mod Podge $8.97
- Photos $0.19 each
My Total Cost: $1.76 for 4 tiles (I had Mod Podge already)
***If you’ve seen these on Etsy you know that they can cost up to $45.00 for a set!***
I absolutely LOVE the way this one turned out. How cute is Tim’s daughter!?
Like seriously. That face…
I printed off pictures from my trip to Europe and I thought they would make for an adorable set of coasters. If you’ve been on a trip with your mom I think landscape shots on your coasters would make for a great gift!
Last but not least, I picked up these small wooden cubes at the dollar store.
- Glue your photo to the group of tiles (using your modpodge).
- Let it fully dry.
- Put numbers on the back to help you reassemble the cubes.
- Use an exacto/kitchen knife to cut the photo to separate the cubes.
- You’ve got you’re very own DIY: Puzzle.
I love these! Such a creative idea!
Thank you soo much:)