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As promised, my 8 Weeks of Summer Room Reveals Continue.

This week: My Front Hallway & Laundry Room.

Here’s a look at what the Laundry Room looked like ‘BEFORE’

Jaclyn Colville Laundry Before 1And my Front Hallway ‘BEFORE’…

Jaclyn Colville Hallway Before 1Now for the fun part!

I started by painting the walls a light grey. It’s amazing how much paint can change a room on it’s own. I bought the rug from Homesense to make the entrance more inviting and I hung some fun pieces on the walls. Check it out:

Jaclyn Colville Hallway After 1If you’re on Pinterest than you know that Deer Heads are all the rage! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them in any room. Sometimes I even use the antlers to hang our keys. I bought this guy at Homesense.

Jaclyn Colville Hallway 5Right beside the front door I hung these funky mirros (also purchased from Homesense. Can you tell that I’m there a lot?) The table was my mom’s when she was a little girl. I painted it white and thought this was the perfect spot for it.

Jaclyn Colville Hallway 1Vases: Homesense.

Here’s a great decor tip:

It’s almost always best to display things in threes but remember to use objects with varying heights.

You can see that I used the 2 vases and the frame together. All of these objects have different heights to balance each other out. Try it for yourself!

Jaclyn Colville Hallway 2Mirrros! Oh look there’s three of them. I found these at Value Village but they were old and gold when I bought them. Of course I painted them white. You can find my DIY Mirror Tutorial here.

Jaclyn Colville Hallway 6

And now for the Laundry Room. I decided to add a bit of colour to this room by choosing a light blue paint. I LOVED the colour when I first painted and now I’m not sure. That’s the nice thing about paint… it’s not permanent. Don’t be afraid to try new colours. You can always paint over it! I really would have loved to have added a chandelier in the middle of the room… just wasn’t in the budget. (Something to save for in our next house.)

Jaclyn Colville Laundry 3The backsplash is also a great DIY Project you should try!

What you’ll need:

  • A Canvas (I bought mine from the dollar store)
  • Mod Podge
  • A Sponge Brush

Step 1- Apply mod podge to the top of your canvas.

Step 2- Apply your wallpaper and press down to smooth it out.

Step 3- Apply mod podge on top of the wallpaper you just smoothed out.

Step 4- Smooth over the egdes/corners and apply more mod podge.

Step 5- Hang your canvas on the wall.

Jaclyn Colville Laundry 2And last but not least I painted this little table white (was red when I bought it), I painted this old lamp white and added a lamp shade ( it was brass before) and I made this adorable terrarium. You can check out my terrarium tutorial here.

Jaclyn Colville Laundry 1Thanks soo much for visiting jaclyncolville.com! Tune in next week for:

  • Bella Trois: Favourite Summer Products
  • Week 3 House Tour: My Living Room

Until our next DIY,

Jackie xo




  1. Deepa says

    Love it Jac! Your style is gorgeous, definitely feeling inspired looking at these before and afters šŸ™‚ More decor posts please!!

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