As promised, my 8 Weeks of Summer Room Reveals Continue.
This week: My Front Hallway & Laundry Room.
Here’s a look at what the Laundry Room looked like ‘BEFORE’
And my Front Hallway ‘BEFORE’…
I started by painting the walls a light grey. It’s amazing how much paint can change a room on it’s own. I bought the rug from Homesense to make the entrance more inviting and I hung some fun pieces on the walls. Check it out:
If you’re on Pinterest than you know that Deer Heads are all the rage! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them in any room. Sometimes I even use the antlers to hang our keys. I bought this guy at Homesense.
Right beside the front door I hung these funky mirros (also purchased from Homesense. Can you tell that I’m there a lot?) The table was my mom’s when she was a little girl. I painted it white and thought this was the perfect spot for it.
Here’s a great decor tip:
It’s almost always best to display things in threes but remember to use objects with varying heights.
You can see that I used the 2 vases and the frame together. All of these objects have different heights to balance each other out. Try it for yourself!
Mirrros! Oh look there’s three of them. I found these at Value Village but they were old and gold when I bought them. Of course I painted them white. You can find my DIY Mirror Tutorial here.
And now for the Laundry Room. I decided to add a bit of colour to this room by choosing a light blue paint. I LOVED the colour when I first painted and now I’m not sure. That’s the nice thing about paint… it’s not permanent. Don’t be afraid to try new colours. You can always paint over it! I really would have loved to have added a chandelier in the middle of the room… just wasn’t in the budget. (Something to save for in our next house.)
The backsplash is also a great DIY Project you should try!
What you’ll need:
- A Canvas (I bought mine from the dollar store)
- Wallpaper (Left over from my Powder Room)
- Mod Podge
- A Sponge Brush
Step 1- Apply mod podge to the top of your canvas.
Step 2- Apply your wallpaper and press down to smooth it out.
Step 3- Apply mod podge on top of the wallpaper you just smoothed out.
Step 4- Smooth over the egdes/corners and apply more mod podge.
Step 5- Hang your canvas on the wall.
And last but not least I painted this little table white (was red when I bought it), I painted this old lamp white and added a lamp shade ( it was brass before) and I made this adorable terrarium. You can check out my terrarium tutorial here.
Thanks soo much for visiting! Tune in next week for:
- Bella Trois: Favourite Summer Products
- Week 3 House Tour: My Living Room
Until our next DIY,
Jackie xo
Love it Jac! Your style is gorgeous, definitely feeling inspired looking at these before and afters 🙂 More decor posts please!!
I love it! You have such good style! Looks so pretty! I especially love the rug in the hallway!
You are soo sweet. Thank you!