With the New Year less than 24 hours away I thought I would take some time to look back and reminisce on 2014.
What did I do this year?
Became a host for one of Canada’s longest running shows:

We started filming Tiny Talent Time in April. We filmed 12 episodes in one crazy weekend. 80 kids, 4 shows a day and many talents! TTT debuted on September 13th of this year. You can watch reruns Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 5pm.
Was a guest on Canada’s #1 Entertainment Show:
I absolutely never thought this could ever happen for me. As you can see below, I used to intern at eTalk. I was behind the scenes helping with the tape library, shot listing, writing bumpers and other various tasks. So being asked to come to the studio for an on camera interview was a BIG deal!?!? Here’s a photo from my intern days:
We started filming videos for Bella Trois
In May of this year, Deepa, Cara and I started our brainstorming and planning process. Several meetings, photoshoots and get togethers later we’re now in full swing. Our very first video was posted on June 11th you can watch it here.
I was asked to anchor for a day:
Morning Live
This was a HUGE deal for me. I’ve only been on air for 3 years and to host a Morning Show with over 400,000 viewers… what an opportunity! I hope I get the chance to do it again.
After 5 years of driving my run down Hyundai 2005… I finally got a new car.
As sad as I was to see my first car go… I wasn’t ‘that’ sad. Hello Hyundai Elantra!
We traveled to Europe for the first time.
Ryan and I have been talking about traveling to Europe for years now but saving for our wedding, our honeymoon and our first house took the front seat. Finally this year, we were able to make the trip we had been longing for. If you missed my post and video on our Europe adventures you can see that here.
We bought a house!
This year Ryan and I say goodbye to our very first house together. We’ve made a lot of memories in our home; first time living together, first pet, first time decorating together, first time cooking together etc. I know we’re both really looking forward to new memories in our new house though. Personally, I can’t wait to decorate!!! I can see a lot of DIYs in the near future.
And of course 2014 is a year I’ll never forget after losing my dear friend and coworker:
Nicola Jones
There isn’t one day that goes by that I don’t think of Nicola. She was my role model, my friend and co-worker. I loved her like a sister.
If you missed my tribute to Nicola you can see it here.
Interested in my blog stats for 2014? Feel free to check out my annual report from WordPress.com. Wanting to collaborate? Fill out my contact form and I’ll be sure to get back to you.
‘Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 64,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.’
Click here to see the complete report.
Until our next DIY,
xo Jackie
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