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Here we go again. This is my third time being a guest participant in the One Room Challenge. Whoop whoop! Ryan and I have decided to tackle our backyard. It all started when I was asked to speak on stage at the Backyard Living Expo (which is this weekend). I’m talking all about ‘How To Design Your Backyard From The Ground Up’.

A bit of a mess right? The stones are cracking, we need to invest in some new furniture, add some sort of lighting… you get the picture. At the moment we’re just focusing on the side yard and then eventually we’ll invest money around the pool at the back of the house. Trust me, we can do a lot with this small space.

To get people excited about the Backyard Living Expo I’ve been doing a bit of a media blitz. Of course I wanted to prep myself for my segments and my on stage presentation and while doing so I came across some pretty interesting stuff…

We all know that Kitchens and Bathrooms are known to sell homes. Well, in 2017 it looks like those numbers actually went down. With millennials taking up 35% of the buying market these days they’re just happy to own a house let alone, a completely remodelled home. It was Remodelling Magazine’s Cost & Value Report  that opened up my eyes. Listen to this:

If you add a wood deck to your backyard you can expect to get about 71% ROI (Return on Investment) while a midrange bathroom makeover may only get you 64.8% back. I thought this was really interesting. A minor Kitchen remodel can get you about 80% ROI while a major kitchen remodel may only get you 61.95 back. Now, keep in mind that these numbers are based off of states in the U.S. In general, It’s definitely eye opening to see that it’s a great idea to invest some money in your backyard.

So needless to say we’re biting the bullet and extending our living space outdoors. You can see the ‘current’ photos to get a good visual of the space. It needs work. I’ll have updates for you over the next 6 weeks. We are hoping to have concrete poured, new patio furniture, a new bbq, accessories… you get the picture.

Stay tuned for more! For now, check out The Backyard Living Expo to get inspired. Better yet, come meet me on stage this Saturday!


Find more great One Room Challenge design plans on the One Room Challenge site, or at Calling it Home!


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